Your lender may request the following documentation before approving a short sale on a San Diego North County home.
Short Sale Hardship Letter (3 Examples) Short Sale Authorization Letter written by North County home owner A copy of your current San Diego North County homes listing agreementLast 2 years tax returns or 1099s 2 years of seller’s W-2 Pay stubs or other documentation to verify your current income All checking and savings account statements for the last few months Copies of all past due secured and unsecured debt notices Copies of San Diego North County real estate property tax bills Any San Diego home owner bills Copy of the current purchase agreement on your North County home Agent provided documentation of comps in the area Net sheet prepared by escrow Preliminary title report on the North County Home Current mortgage payment coupon Current mortgage statement on all outstanding loans List of any other lein holders Current San Diego North County home owners association statement for your property Get a summary of “Short Sale Basics.” Find out “How to Qualify for a Short Sale.” Find, “What are the Advantages of a Short Sale.” Gary Harmon is familiar with working with lenders and the information they will need. Gary Harmon, your Carlsbad Realtor, is a certified “Short Sale Specialist.”