The Quail Call is a monthly newsletter publication of the Lake San Marcos Community Association (LSMCA). The printed Quail Call is mailed to all residences of Lake San Marcos. You can see the current edition of Quail Call online by clicking on the cover below and then clicking the blue “Current Issue” button.
Editor – Bob Kreis
Associatet Editors – Adela Franco and Dan Worrells
Local clubs and organizations are encouraged to submit articles about past events or upcoming meetings. Submissions may be edited for brevity or content. The articles should be mailed to prior to the 20th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication.
Advertising in the Quail Call
The Quail Call accepts ads from reputable local businesses who wish to use a low-cost, highly-targeted publication to reach their customers. Email the office at for a copy of the ad rates and contract form. You can visit the LSMCA Call website at