
Important Disclaimer:  Models and floorplans of Ocean Hills Country Club homes referred to on this website are for informational purposes only.  They are not designed to promote any specific Ocean Hills home.  These floor plans are not to scale. Square footage is approximate. The images used represent approximations of the layouts of the various models (floor plans) and are not exact. Variations of these floorplans exist that may not be represented in these images. Room sizes are approximate and may vary per home. Locations of windows, walls, doors, appliances and fixtures vary per home and may change based on optional features and exterior elevation choice.  Optional features may be depicted that are not included in all Ocean Hills homes. Due to after construction additions and changes, resale home floor plans may vary considerably from what is shown in these examples.  Gary Harmon, HomeInfoSanDiego.com, OceanHillsHomes.com, and GaryHarmon.com are not affiliated with the builder of these homes and take no responsibility for inaccuracies displayed on these floor plans.  Please verify all information prior to purchasing.

If you have questions about these floorplans please contact Gary Harmon.