
I belong to the Lake San Marcos Sportsmen’s club.  We all have a great time with our monthly meeting (2nd Thursday of the month) and our monthly tournament and luncheon at the South Shore picnic area.  Members take turns cooking.  This October we celebrate October-fest with German sausage, German potato salad, and red cabbage.  We are all about fun for everyone and improving the conditions of the Lake.  If you are not into fishing, many more Lake San Marcos clubs and organizations are listed below.

Clubs and Orginazitations

Club name:                                         President:                                           Phone:                                                                                                                       

Board Games Club                            Jeannie Bailey                                   510-9014

Bowling Group                                   Yolanda Hunemuller                          761-0033

Computer Club                                   Wayne Widener                                  736-4649

Cotillion Dance Club                         Art Pedersen                                       752-3240

Democratic Club                                Mary Borevitz – President                  744-9233

Adela Franco – Events Chair            591-7655

Directory for LSM                                Gene & Evie Williams                       736-8178

Duplicate Bridge Club                       Liz Nixon                                              471-1899

Executive Men’s Golf                          Wayne Dailing                                   591-9808

Executive Women’s Golf                   Jan Houston                                      510-1115        

Fishing & Casting                              Harry Bubnack                                   510-2783

Friends of the LSM Library               Pat Jordan                                          744-1093

Friends of Palomar College            Elaine Jordan                                    736-4505

Palomar Contact:  Pam Grasso      744-1150 x 2732

Garden Club                                       Jeanne Bailey                                   510-9014

Maggie Knol                                       304-4868

Kiwanis                                               Dick Birkenstock                                727-0473

KNC                                                     Elaine Jordan                                      736-4505

Judy Hunter                                        744-4245

LSM Community Assoc-Pres.        Eli Whitney                                        471-0951

St. Mark  Men’s Golf Club              Mickey Christian                                744-1310

St. Mark  Women’s Golf Club       Marguerite Stewart                            752-3108

Lighted Beacon                               Gary Edwards                                     744-2050

Minnesota Club                               Dick & Audrey Hartmann                  510-9606

Newcomers Club                            Dan Worrells                                      304-4620

Paddle Tennis                                Denis Chamberlain                          744-5975

Racquet Club                                 Denis Chamberlain                          744-5975

Republican Women                        Janet Nichols                                      471-0951

Security Patrol Office                      Jane Koning                                        744-0811

Sportsmen Club                              Chuck Wood                                        736-4680

Table Tennis                                   Tommy Hauer                                     744-2726

Toastmasters                                  Agnes Meum                                      744-0492

Travel Club                                      Liz Nixon                                              471-1899

Ukulele Club                                    Shelley Palmer                                   744-6703

United Church of LSM                     Donna Roberts                                   510-8218

Writer’s Workshop                           Mary Lenore Quigley                          510-9587

Yacht Club                                      Don Alexander                                     736-4623

Yoga Club                                       Adela Franco                                       591-7655

For more home information about Lake San Marcos homes for sale,  contact Gary Harmon local Lake San Marcos Realtor.     Thinking about retiring,  also check out nearby Ocean Hills Country Club homes.    Content by .